Good day fellow investors. I am here again with the most important numbers concerning the blog. I hope you are all doing well! I’ll get right into the Blog Update for July 2020.
Blog updates
No real changes were made to the blog this month. I’ve started spending more time on my Instagram though. If you are interested in the content that I’m putting out you can always follow me over there as well!
I also got the second e-mail from a company representative in my mailbox. This company could be one that some of you might know, Mintos. I’ve told them that I don’t directly want to join their affiliate program, but that I would be more interested in working closely with them trying to identify investors’ needs. We are still mailing back and forward, so I’ll see what will come out of it!
The numbers

- 812 unique visitors (+65 compared to last month)
- 770 new users (+55)
- 1092 website visits (+69)
- 2360 single-page views (+436)
Again another month were numbers went up across the board. As long as the blog is still growing I can’t complain at all. Right now I’m pulling in around 20-50 users a day. I can’t wait for the moment where it is consistently above 100!
The less important numbers improved a bit as well. The bounce rate went down a little and the average session duration went up by quite a bit, let’s see if we can keep this up!
Single page views

The same two posts keep doing well. I’m trying to create more traffic-generating posts. It will take some time before I can see if they really work. The portfolio updates stay quite popular as well!
Blog posts and interactions
Here are the numbers showing my output and the interactions I get on my blog posts.
- 4 new blog posts (-2 compared to last month)
- 43 new comments (+37)
- 10 new subscribers (+7) –> 25 in total!
The number of new blog posts was not the best, but not bad at all. What blew my mind was the amount of engagement. A lot of new comments and 10 new subscribers?! 10!! Let’s get to 100.
This was the blog update for July 2020. You can always find an overview of the most important monthly numbers on the Entrepreneurship page.
Want to improve the numbers on your own blog?
If you run a blog or small business website that is struggling to get the hits you desire, there are ways to improve the footfall on your site. By using analytics consultants such as a CRO agency, your business can measure how users are interacting with your website. After analysing this data, a CRO agency can then strategize how to improve your numbers over time.
Other ways to improve traffic on your own terms are by creating a social media page that links to your site, or offering promotions to new customers, subscribers or followers!
Do you want any other information or numbers about the performance of the blog? Do not hesitate to ask me!
Sadly I’ve bid everything Facebook farewell, so can’t follow you on Instagram. Only social media I still have is Twitter. Switched from WhatsApp to Signal too. I know privacy is an illusion when you own a smartphone, and that’s not the only reason I left. I find the whole dopamine based industry uncomfortable.
Congrats with the success of your blog, and if you’re ever shy for content, come find me (I have a bunch of suggestions ?).
Hi Vincent,
I’m always open to suggestions! I have to be honest and admit it is not always easy to come up with stuff to talk about. It would also be interesting what actual readers would like to read!
Hit me up with an e-mail if you have the time, I really appreciate it. 🙂
Kind regards,