December of 2019 was the month that I started this blog. My first ever post was made on the 9th of December and i’m so exited to see what the next year will bring for me. Not only financially but also where this blog and possible other projects will take me.
Every month i’ll try to post an update on the important numbers concerning the blog (I just love numbers and graphs…). Even though I didn’t start December 1st, I still want to show how the blog did! Doing this every month will show how the blog develops over time. Lets get started!
The numbers

As you can see this month I got 127 unique visitors of which all 127 where new users (obviously). The amount of sessions (aka website visits) I got was 159. This means that some users came to my website more than once for an average of 1.25 sessions per user. This is neither great nor bad for the first month I guess?
The amount of single page views I got is 361. This means that the average users visits 2.27 pages on my website before leaving.
The time spend on my blog for each user is a little less than 3 minutes. I have a feeling that I can get that number higher once my blog gets a little more content.
The last important number is the Bounce Rate. This percentage lets you know the amount of time people leave after only seeing one page. The lower this number gets, the better. Right now I feel like 65% is a pretty decent number.
As you can see the amount of users I attracted at the end of the month was significantly higher than before. I’m going to be totally honest and say that I made one particular post about my ETF Porfolio. I used this post in some of my answers on the EUPersonalFinance subreddit. This way I got some traffic to my website. I feel like I need this to get started. I will think about making posts answering questions that people ask a lot so I can use them to respond to, and help, those people. Google will probably rank me higher in the search results as well once I get some traffic going.
Single page views

There is not much I can say here. As you could have probably guessed, the most viewed page was my post about the ETF portfolio that I am going for. The second most viewed page is apparently my home page followed by the overview of my portfolio.
I do think it is kind of cool that a made a post that was seen over a hundred time! This shows me that I should definitely focus on producing more content!
Blog posts and interactions
Finally some number showing my output and the interactions I get on my blog posts. The amount of posts I made in December came to a grand total of 5. I don’t think this is bad since I started the month late but I do think that I can do better. I’m probably going to aim for around 8 posts each months which will be an average of 2 each week.
Surprisingly I already got some interactions in my first month. I will try and only count the initial comments someone makes on a blog post. This means that all the answers to this initial post will not count to the actual ‘comment score’. In the month of December I got 3 of these comments which I am very thrilled about!
Do you want any other information or numbers about the performance of the blog? Do not hesitate to ask me!
Lets see where we are next month!