Hello Investing Youngsters! This is the first month that my net worth climbs above €100 000. It also has to be my best month yet. Let’s take a closer look at the specifics in my portfolio update for August 2021.
Don’t forget that you can always find an up-to-date overview of all the ‘numbers’ in my portfolio on the My Portfolio page.
Portfolio overview

I had a little dip in my portfolio a couple of months ago but we are completely lifting off at the moment. On the stock/ETF front there is nothing that has changed and I am still adding to my positions every month. We are on our way to having €30.000 in the ETF portfolio which will be a nice milestone to reach. I can’t wait for the moment that it crosses six digits as well.
My cryptocurrencies are a whole other story. This month has been exceptionally well for the cryptocurrency markets and Bitcoin is not even at all-time highs. I think that there is a strong possibility that Bitcoin will reach its all-time high again this year. This also means that I still believe that there is more growth to come. This is why I am not selling any of my cryptocurrencies at the moment. Even though the fact is that I have a lot of crypto in my portfolio percentage-wise.
That being said the last two months have been extremely well for cryptocurrencies and we could easily see a little cool down in the weeks to come. Time will tell.
Monthly Cash-flow
My monthly cash flow is still the same. Again, I saved a bit more cash and invested a bit less due to possible future projects. I also had some holiday expenses this month.

Portfolio Allocation

- Cash: Saved €1000
- Stocks: Invested €500 – €470.91 appreciation
- Crypto: Invested €0 – €13 066.20 appreciation (!!!)
As you can see my ETF portfolio has appreciated by a very decent €470 over the last month. This is a very nice amount of money but next to the crypto gains it almost seems like nothing…
More than €13 000! This is the amount of money that I gained this month from cryptocurrencies alone. This is a crazy amount of money. Almost unbelievable. It goes to show how volatile cryptocurrencies are.
This was it for my portfolio update of August 2021. It was my best month so far and the first month that my portfolio closed above €100 000. Let’s add another zero as soon as possible. 😀
How are you approaching taking profits in your crypto positions and will you sell out completely by the end of the year or if you think the bull run will last longer before the next bear market?
Congrats on this milestone!