Hello everyone! First of all, happy new year to all of you. Let’s make it a great year in which we invest a lot of money! Nothing really interesting happened this month so let’s get straight into the overview!
I think as of now I’m going to start and put the portfolio overview of each month into the blog post as well. This way people can go back to a specific month to see the status of the portfolio at the time.
Don’t forget that you can always find an up to date overview of all the ‘numbers’ in my portfolio on the My Portfolio page.
Portfolio overview

Monthly Cash-flow
I still don’t know the actual raise I’m going to get for getting promoted. It should come in this week. For now, my monthly cash-flow is still the same.

Portfolio Allocation
This is my portfolio allocation at the end of January 2020. I will always check if I reached my savings and investment targets (as seen by the ‘OK’ / ‘NOT OK’ below as well as the changes in the value of my investments.
For the first time, all 3 investment categories are green for the month!

- cash: Saved €700 – OK
- Stocks: Invested €600 + €50.21 appreciation – OK
- Crypto: Invested €100 + €862 appreciation – OK
- P2P: Invested €150 + €5.55 appreciation – OK
I’ve reached my targets for this month once again! My ETF portfolio, as well as my crypto portfolio, did pretty great this month. I’m very curious about what the crypto market will do next. My P2P investments are doing pretty decent as well, exactly what I expect them to do. It is a slow road but I hope to grow steadily to bigger rewards! If you are interested in the lending companies I pick on Mintos you can check out this blog post.
Again, thank you for so much for reading, this was a great month! Looking forward to where I’ll be at the end of the year!