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Portfolio Update – June 2020

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Another month, a little bit more wealth! Slow and steady wins the race. It was again not a super exciting month, investment- wise. I stuck to my plan like I should and reached a personal milestone of having €10.000 in the stock market! Let’s take a closer look at the numbers!

Don’t forget that you can always find an up to date overview of all the ‘numbers’ in my portfolio on the My Portfolio page.

Portfolio overview

Every category is still in the green! This month I bought IUSN for the first time which means I now own the three ETFs I talk about in my ETF portfolio post. I’m still thinking about whether IUSN should be 10% of my ETF portfolio or if I should rather go for around 5%. Right now I prefer 10%.

Keep in mind my P2P lending portfolio (if you can still call it a portfolio) still shows a positive result. At the moment I only have loans from two companies left. Both companies are enduring some problems at the moment so it could take some time before I get my money back, if at all. I’ve made a small update on my P2P lending portfolio here.

Monthly Cash-flow

Monthly cash-flow is still the same. I am still cashing out P2P investments. I am investing most of this money in Bitcoin which causes my monthly Cryptocurrency investments to be slightly higher than ‘the plan’.

Portfolio Allocation

  • cash: Saved €800
  • Stocks: Invested €1000  + €284.42 appreciation
  • Crypto: Invested €200 – €305.81 depreciation
  • P2P: Withdrew €200 – €2.56 secondary market fees from selling loans

As I’ve said before, stock market milestone of €10.000 reached! Normally, I want to save €1800/month. This month it came down to €1690. This is because I started an official side hustle. I’ve put €300 aside to give this a start! I hope this will give some returns In the future. I’ll give separate monthly updates on the income and costs of my small business in the future so you can tag along and hopefully see my business grow in real-time, as well as my possible mistakes!


Investing-wise this wasn’t a very exciting month, but I guess this is not a bad thing at all. At this rate I’ll have €100.000 invested in 2023. I have some challenging times ahead though. I have no idea how things will go ones I buy an apartment. I still have a lot to learn but I’m excited about what my financial future will bring. I am very curious about where I will be in 10 years!

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4 years ago


Just wondering, how do you keep track of your portfolio? Just a spreadsheet you update monthly?
Ik started using a spreadsheet too, but it’s pretty static and annoying to update. Wish my banks & broker had an API which I could connect to an app (with Bitcoin portfolio included). Would be nice ?

Reply to  Michiel
4 years ago

Nice ik ga dat schaamteloos kopiëren ?

Reply to  Michiel
4 years ago

Done, looks a lot better than my spreadsheet ?
I put my pension fund under stocks, but there’s no google finance integration for ARPE I guess + it’s too complex to calculate what I invested every year so far + tax reduction etc.
Doe jij niet aan pensioensparen? Of zie je je stocks als je eigen pensioenspaarfonds?

4 years ago

You might be right. I believed the bank and the government when I started my pension fund. When I look at it that way I feel like an idiot ? Never heard of trackers back then.

4 years ago

Hi Michiel,

Where do you buy EMIM & IUSN shares to reduce the costs? At this moment I’m only active on Degiro. IWDA is in the ‘kernselectie’ of Degiro, the other 2 ETF’s have a higher cost to buy on their platform.

Also I like to know how you the ratio for your 3 ETF’s besides the geographic spreading as I find different ratio’s online for this combination.. (75-12.5-12.5), (70-20-10),..

Keep up the good work with your blog posts! ??

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x


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